22 October 2024
adana festival

adana festival

The International Orange Blossom Carnival in Adana, which was held for the 12th time this year and celebrated by nearly 1.5 million people in the streets in April, concluded after numerous fun and cultural events. As tourists flocked to Adana for the carnival, both domestic and international visitors filled the streets, making it difficult to walk and causing traffic congestion. It's estimated that around 200,000 people from both domestic and international locations attended the carnival, making it a record-breaking year with the participation of locals as well.

MILLIONS GATHER IN ADANA FOR THE CARNIVAL. The International Orange Blossom Carnival in Adana, which was held for the 12th time this year and celebrated by nearly 1.5 million people in the streets in April, concluded after numerous fun and cultural events.

As tourists flocked to Adana for the carnival, both domestic and international visitors filled the streets, making it difficult to walk and causing traffic congestion. It’s estimated that around 200,000 people from both domestic and international locations attended the carnival, making it a record-breaking year with the participation of locals as well.

Following the costumed parade that filled the streets and balconies of houses with hundreds of thousands of people, the official opening ceremony, attended by Adana Governor Dr. Yavuz Selim Köşger, Mayor Zeydan Karalar, and the Carnival’s Inspirer, Toyota Turkey CEO Ali Haydar Bozkurt, took place on Saturday evening with the ringing of the gong. Following the ceremony, Gazapizm took to the stage and gave an unforgettable concert to tens of thousands of people.

The International Orange Blossom Carnival in Adana, which was included in the Turkey Culture Road Festival by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, featured hundreds of events since April 13th. Participants of all ages found something for themselves in the events, enjoying a perfect weekend together without missing a beat.

Bozkurt: “The carnival was good for everyone”

Chairman of the Carnival Committee and CEO of Toyota Turkey, Ali Haydar Bozkurt, emphasized the significant mission of the 12th International Orange Blossom Carnival they organized this year in fostering friendship and brotherhood. He said, “In its 12th year, hundreds of thousands of people came together in this beautiful city and had fun. We needed this, and I believe the carnival was good for everyone. Now our goal is even bigger. In the next carnival, we dream of children from all over the world coming to Adana. We will have efforts in this regard in the upcoming period. We will focus on explaining the beauty of being in Adana in April. We will tell everyone that Adana is worth visiting not just for a week but for the entire month of April.”

What Happened at the Carnival?

In addition to numerous fun activities, the Carnival featured cultural and artistic activities as well as interesting projects. Popular artists performed on concert stages set up in Merkez Park and Atatürk Park throughout the nine days from April 13th to April 21st, while more than 30 colorful events took place in various locations. Artists such as Murat Boz, Haluk Levent, Ferhat Göçer, Gökhan Tepe, Fatma Turgut, Emir Can İğrek, Köfn, and Mert Demir performed at Merkez Park, while Gece Yolcuları, Ahmet Baran, and Kafadar, among others, performed at Atatürk Park. Ismail Altunsaray and Öykü Gürman also presented Neşet Ertaş songs at Atatürk Park.

Among the cultural events of the Carnival were the installations of Refik Anadol, who achieved great success on international platforms, including “Machine Hallucinations: Coral Dreams” data sculpture at the Monument Museum, and the artwork named “On the Atatürk Cultural Road” produced using artificial intelligence algorithms displayed at the Train Station. Adana Museum Complex also hosted a special exhibition titled “Matraki: A Star of the Ottoman Empire.” Fulya Alışır’s exhibition titled “Search,” which revolves around the concept of organic art, was presented at the Agriculture Museum, while Güvenç Özel’s 18-meter digital sculpture called “Holoflux” met art lovers at Merkez Park.

State Theaters were also present at the Carnival. The Ramazanoğlu Cultural Center and 01 Burda PGM hosted sold-out performances of State Theaters’ plays, including “Women, Elephants, and Others,” “Majestic,” “Radio-yu Hümayun,” “Confrontation,” and “Three Voyages of the Lobotomobile.”

A “children’s village” was set up in Merkez Park for nine days, including colorful activities, workshops, stage shows, theaters, play areas, and many other events. The 01 BURDA PGM Costume Design Competition, the Adana Museum’s “Ediz Hun” Conversation, the Orange Blossom Carnival Race, the Orange Blossom Water Parade, the Colorful Fest, and the “Turkan Şoray and Şoray Uzun” Conversation also received great attention.

One of the highlights of the “12th International Orange Blossom Carnival in Adana” was the “Orange Flavored Delights Competition,” which witnessed a fierce competition among amateur and professional chefs. 45 participants competed in three categories, creating colorful scenes.