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Yazı etiketleri “growth”

CarrefourSA Opens its 400th Franchise, Continuing to Grow with Small Merchants and Entrepreneurs

CarrefourSA, a subsidiary of Sabancı Holding, has opened its 400th franchise, furthering its support for small merchants through its franchise system. With its "New Generation Market" concept, CarrefourSA continues to grow, as stated by Doğrusu CarrefourSA.

Kiğılı Continues its Expansion in Europe

Kiğılı, the leading men's fashion retailer in Turkey, continues to expand its store network in Europe. The brand has opened 2 new stores in Hasselt, Belgium, and Pristina, Kosovo. With these new stores, Kiğılı aims to cater to the style preferences of European men with its comfortable, stylish, and modern product range, meeting the increasing demand for quality products.

Supporting exports with ‘steel’

While Turkey's overall exports decreased by 4.1% in March, the steel sector, one of Turkey's strongest industries, continued to register export growth, showing recovery compared to last year. With a 7.1% increase in March, reaching $1.5 billion in exports, the steel sector has shown growth for three consecutive months.